The name Moskal has been synonymous to bowling in Saginaw for decades. Stanley “Tod” Moskal was born June 27, 1913, and is one of Saginaw’s great bowling legends. He attended Holy Rosary School in Saginaw but times were tough in the 1920’s and he had to leave school at an early age to find a job to help support his family. As fate would have it, he took a job as a pinsetter in a bowling alley at the age of 11. Moskal would then become a pin captain and then a lane man. from there he went to managing bowling centers such as Hesse Brother (Parkland Lanes), Recreation Center, Eastown, Bowling Bar (Americana), Timbertown Recreation and then Candlelite Bowling and Banquet Center. It was his exploits with the bowling ball that earned him his greatest fame. Moskal’s outstanding career, which spanned three decades, was highlighted in 1942 by being named the All-Events Bowling Congress World Champion. He rolled scores of 599, 711, and 663 for an all-events score of 1,973. Moskal amassed 11 Saginaw Bowling Association titles, including shooting one of the highest scores ever in the nationally renowned Peterson Classic Tournament in Chicago. He was the anchorman of the famed Morley Eljer team that traveled around the state putting on exhibitions and rolling against some of the top professional bowlers in the nation. In the 1950’s an average of 185-190 was considered great, but Moskal established a 207 average which was unheard of at the time. Moskal was inducted into the Saginaw Bowling Hall of Fame’s first class in 1976. The Moskals – Tod, wife Lee, and son Chuck – became the first father/mother/son to be enshrined into the Saginaw Bowling Hall of Fame. He passed away December 21, 2002, at the age of 89.