Tom Smallwood
Tom Smallwood is undeniably one of the most
decorated bowlers to come out of Saginaw
County. Although Tom grew up in the Flint Area and
graduated from Flushing High in 1996, Tom has been bowling and taken
residency in Saginaw Township for over 26 years. Bowling wasn’t a main
sport for Tom until he was 16 years of age but he caught on quickly with his
unique style and natural talent. As a teenager, Tom bowled in many leagues
and tournaments. He really started getting competitive when he started
bowling in the Saginaw Area and entering Major tournaments throughout
the country in his early twenties. While competing in these tournaments Tom
earned himself Seven Michigan Major Titles and Two Michigan Masters
Titles. His high series of 889 was a city record score for many years until
recently surpassed. Tom also has well over one hundred 300 games and
over sixty 800 series. Tom has been a member of the Saginaw All-Star
team, earned Saginaw Bowler of the Year and was proudly inducted to the
Saginaw Bowling Hall of Fame in 2018.
While pursuing a career at General Motors, Tom continued to bowl in
tournaments, leagues, and bowled PBA regional tournaments in his spare
time. Smallwood earned five Professional Bowling Association Regional
Champion titles. After getting laid off in 2008 from GM, Tom tried out for
the Professional Bowlers Tour again. This time, Tom was successful earning
a spot on the 2009-2010 Exempt Bowling Tour.
Smallwood made his first televised appearance in his third event on tour,
placing third. He then went on to win his first title at the PBA World
Championship on December 13, 2009 in Wichita, Kansas. It happened to be
a major title in 2009 almost exactly one year after his lay off from GM.
Since then, Tom has made over twenty single TV appearances with over
half of them being Majors. The TV appearances consisted of the Scorpion
Championship in 2013, the PBA players championship in 2018. Tom also is a
two-time Steve Nagy Award Winner, which is a sportsmanship award voted
for by his peers.
Tom still feels very fortunate to still be a current player bowling on the PBA
Tour, with the support of his Wife, Jennifer and his two Children, Hannah
and Brady.